5 basic acting blocks

5 basic acting blocks

5 basic acting blocks

 No actor likes to be blocked! We don’t always know we are blocked until we are suddenly NOT acting.  This is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by.  Acting blocks are NOT mysterious and usually stem from some type of trauma or abuse to our acting career. We are often chided with “It’s just the business…” or “get thicker skin..” as if we can just “get over it!” Actors are extremely sensitive and even psychic in nature and what appears as the nature of the beast (not booking a job, an abusive director, a horrible review, a competitive friend, a belittling teacher, a horrible audition…) can insult us so much that we stop trying. It’s identifying the root of the trouble that can be challenging and even frustrating. We don’t like to admit when we’ve been wounded.  These blocks can be from internal or external circumstances, but they STOP the acting process.  When we start digging into what actually happened to us, we can begin to heal. There are 5 main blocks that challenge each actor and I have put them on the table for examination.

With this FB live lecture and companion PDF study course, I identify 5 major acting blocks and offer a solution for each one.

Here is a list of the topics covered:

Toxic People
Self-worth/Self Esteem











Stephen Foster

Stephen Foster

Author of "Awakening the Actor Within"

Where is MY career?

Where is MY career?

Where is MY career?

Where is MY Career?
How to go from where you are to where you want to go in your acting career!
It’s easy to get overwhelmed, confused and angry when facing the acting world, but these 10 pointers will help you to stay focused and sharp. Get out your notebook and get cracking! 
Watch the video and complete the exercises!

10 points to mapping out your acting career taken from “Awakening the Actor Within” by award-winning actor/writer Stephen Foster

1. Name your ACTING goal

2. Where are you now?

3. Where do you WANT to go?

4. Pick a role model

5. Create a treasure map

6. 10 Actions to take

7. Find a Master Mind buddy

8. 10 RISKS you could take

9. Protect your dream

10. Take ONE daily action

Stephen Foster

Stephen Foster

Author of "Awakening the Actor Within"